EN Equip Skin

Weapon Skin Golden Earring ShellGolden Earring ShellArtillery (Destroyer)
Artillery (Light Cruiser)
Artillery (Heavy Cruiser)
Brimming with an ancient power that may or may not turn you into a snake.
Weapon Skin Solar Sapphire ShellSolar Sapphire ShellArtillery (Destroyer)
Artillery (Light Cruiser)
Artillery (Heavy Cruiser)
Owch! Pointy! But precious!
Weapon Skin Golden Scarab ShellGolden Scarab ShellArtillery (Destroyer)
Artillery (Light Cruiser)
Artillery (Heavy Cruiser)
You were warned about incurring the pharaoh's wrath...
Weapon Skin Pharaoh's Wand TorpedoPharaoh's Wand TorpedoTorpedo
Torpedo (Submarine)
Abracadabra, pharaoh's curse upon ye!
Weapon Skin Sun God's Spear TorpedoSun God's Spear TorpedoTorpedo
Torpedo (Submarine)
If you fling it, is it still a spear or does it become a javelin? Either way, look out.
Weapon Skin Ceremonial Dagger TorpedoCeremonial Dagger TorpedoTorpedo
Torpedo (Submarine)
The curse has been set. Now we feast... I mean, begin the purge!
Weapon Skin Eternal Pyramid ShellEternal Pyramid ShellArtillery (Battleship)
Artillery (Pocket Battleship)
The triangle is the most perfect shape. No matter what angle it hits at, it's going to hurt.
Weapon Skin Golden Ankh ShellGolden Ankh ShellArtillery (Battleship)
Artillery (Pocket Battleship)
How ironic. It's usually meant to symbolize life.
Weapon Skin Sealing Pot ShellSealing Pot ShellArtillery (Battleship)
Artillery (Pocket Battleship)
Draw two cards... then draw your last breath!
Weapon Skin Nile Queen Manjuu (Torpedo)Nile Queen Manjuu (Torpedo)Torpedo Bomber
Don't mind the regal dress – it won't affect her combat ability.
Weapon Skin Nile Queen Manjuu (Torpedo)Nile Queen Manjuu (Torpedo)Fighter
Don't mind the regal dress – it won't affect her combat ability.
Weapon Skin Nile Queen Manjuu (Torpedo)Nile Queen Manjuu (Torpedo)Dive Bomber
Don't mind the regal dress – it won't affect her combat ability.
Weapon Skin Son of the Sun Manjuu (Torpedo)Son of the Sun Manjuu (Torpedo)Torpedo Bomber
In the name of the pharaoh, I shall vanquish thee!
Weapon Skin Son of the Sun Manjuu (Fighter)Son of the Sun Manjuu (Fighter)Fighter
In the name of the pharaoh, I shall vanquish thee!
Weapon Skin Son of the Sun Manjuu (Bomber)Son of the Sun Manjuu (Bomber)Dive Bomber
In the name of the pharaoh, I shall vanquish thee!
Weapon Skin Undead Manjuu (Torpedo)Undead Manjuu (Torpedo)Torpedo Bomber
You've unleashed an ancient fury!
Weapon Skin Undead Manjuu (Fighter)Undead Manjuu (Fighter)Fighter
You've unleashed an ancient fury!
Weapon Skin Undead Manjuu (Bomber)Undead Manjuu (Bomber)Dive Bomber
You've unleashed an ancient fury!